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Where Does Telemedicine Stand in 2024?

Where Does Telemedicine Stand in 2024?

This presentation focuses on the current landscape of telemedicine within the medical spa industry. Explore the five factors every medical spa utilizing telemedicine should be aware of in 2024 for compliance.

Brad Adatto JD



Bradford E. Adatto, JD, has a background in regulatory, transactional, and securities law. Having worked in healthcare law his entire career, he has an in-depth knowledge of the “dos and don’ts” of this heavily regulated industry. Adatto has worked with physicians, physician groups, and other medical service providers in developing ambulatory surgical centers, in-office and freestanding ancillary service facilities, and other medical joint ventures. He regularly counsels clients with respect to federal and state healthcare regulations that impact investments, transactions, and contract terms, including Medicare fraud and abuse, anti-trust, anti-kickback, anti-referral, and private securities laws.


Where Does Telemedicine Stand in 2024?
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes This presentation focuses on the current landscape of telemedicine within the medical spa industry. Explore the five factors every medical spa utilizing telemedicine should be aware of in 2024 for compliance.